First Annual Cupcakes and Costumes

Music, costumes, cupcakes! In celebration of our students’ hard work and the fun of Halloween, A Noteworthy Music Studio recently hosted our first annual “Cupcakes and Costumes” recital. We wanted to give students an opportunity to showcase what they’ve been learning in a fun, low key environment. Dressing in costume can help alleviate some of the nervousness that students feel during a performance. They were able to take on an alter ego as they displayed their vocal and piano talent to adoring fans of friends and family. Some of our students were a bit adventurous in their performance. But really, doesn’t everyone just want to feel pretty?! I feel pretty! We had cupcakes. We had costumes. But most of all, we had fun and made beautiful music! A big "thank you" to everyone who helped make the day possible, and especially to the fans of our fabulous musicians!! Explore Creativity. Discover Magic! 


Let's Have What They're Having, Shall We? Fun v. Stagefright


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